Strengthen the engagement of local civil society in adapting to gender - sensitive Climate Change (G3CA)

  • Promotion of the Project: Successful promotion efforts were carried out. This involved engaging with various stakeholders, such as community members, local authorities, and relevant organizations. The milestone of promoting the project helped in generating interest and support for its objectives.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Meaningful engagement with stakeholders was achieved, particularly with the stakeholders of project Local Climate Plan (LCP). Stakeholders were approached and involved in discussions and consultations to gather their input and perspectives on climate-related issues in the area. This milestone ensured that diverse stakeholders had a voice in shaping the LCP.
  • Integration of Scientific Researchers: Collaboration with scientific researchers specializing in agriculture was established. The involvement of these researchers contributed to the project's scientific rigor and helped incorporate evidence-based approaches in addressing climate challenges. The milestone of integrating scientific researchers strengthened the project's capacity to develop effective strategies and interventions.
  • Planning of Partnership with district Rural Women Siliana : Rural women were identified as key partners in the project. Their unique knowledge and experiences were acknowledged, and efforts were made to engage and empower them. This milestone aimed to promote gender equality, amplify the voices of rural women, and ensure their active participation in decision-making processes related to climate action.
  • Planning a Collaboration with Public Administration: The project prepares to engage with the public administration, particularly the Rural Women's Department in the Siliana study area. This collaboration facilitated coordination, information sharing, and support from the local government. The milestone of collaborating with the public administration enhanced the project's credibility and potential for long-term impact

  • Partnership Establishment: The project achieved a major milestone in this quarter by successfully signing partnerships with two prominent agricultural research institutions :  the Institut of Research in Agriculture in Tunisia (INRAT) and the Institut National of Agronomic of Tunisia (INAT) and regional authorities: CRDA Bizerte, CRDA Siliana, CRDA Sidi Bouzid. These partnerships will foster knowledge exchange, research collaboration, and capacity-building initiatives.
  • Project of Policy Brief Publication: The Houloul Project, specializing in policy briefs, will play a significant role in generating a comprehensive policy brief that outlines climate adaptation strategies for rural communities in the target regions. This brief will well-received by local authorities and is set to guide decision-makers in implementing climate-conscious policies.
  • Media Engagement :The environment-focused media outlet AlBIANEWS featured the project's progress and initiatives in a dedicated segment, raising awareness among the broader public and encouraging community participation in climate change initiatives.
  • Implementation Status of Planned Activities .
  • Map out and facilitate CSOs to participate in key climate adaptation: A series of Mapping were conducted in the three target regions. Local association (GDA) from local communities, civil society organizations, and women's groups actively engaged in these capacity-building sessions.
  • Gender Inclusivity: The project placed special emphasis on gender inclusivity and women's empowerment. The involvement of rural women in decision-making processes was fostered, enabling them to take active roles in climate-related activities and community development.





  • Multi-stakeholder Collaboration: The project's success was primarily attributed to the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, including government officials, research institutions, civil society organizations, and local communities. Their collective dedication and cooperation ensured the project's smooth implementation.
  • Community Participation : The participation of GDA , including rural women, youth, and scientific research showcased the project's strong community-driven approach.